Another One Of The Ads Your Ad Should Feel Like

This new Old Spice spot feels a little, well, sequel-y (is that even a word?), but it’s still inventive–and sells the hell out of the product. Glad these ads are getting the recognition they deserve. They’re a testament to the power of a great–and fun–idea.

When A Consumer Packaged Good Becomes A Lifestyle Brand, It’s Here To Stay

Looks like Wheat Thins is a Kraft brand that just wants to have fun. Which makes sense–the ubiquitous crackers are a party snack, after all. Here’s another in a growing series of on-camera pranks from Chicago agency, and Friend of AdPulp (FoAP), The Escape Pod. The brand was also at Bonnaroo recently, and it looks… Continue reading When A Consumer Packaged Good Becomes A Lifestyle Brand, It’s Here To Stay