Clicking Video, Mobile And Social Boxes

Seattle-based retailer, Nordstrom, which operates 193 stores in 28 states, is investing in its online store. Seattle Times reports that Nordstrom’s new site–three years in the making–promises easier navigation, bigger photos and a prominent place where people can express their thoughts about the latest trends. Executive Vice President Jamie Nordstrom, who oversees the company’s direct… Continue reading Clicking Video, Mobile And Social Boxes

I’d Like To See Stations Reject Ads On The Basis That They Suck

Washington Post reports that MSNBC rejected the following political ad for violating its advertising policy by attacking an individual business directly. MoveOn executive director Justin Ruben said the rejection was “the height of hypocrisy” and accused MSNBC and its corporate parent, General Electric Co., of trying to protect Target from consumer anger. Minneapolis-based Target stirred… Continue reading I’d Like To See Stations Reject Ads On The Basis That They Suck

Luke Sullivan Deserves Praise For Praising Radio

Radio advertising. Just the mention of it makes many copywriters cringe and puts everyone else in advertising to sleep. It’s been bludgeoned by not only iPods, satellite radio and Pandora, but also DJ live reads and radio stations that produce them in-house as a freebie when advertisers buy time. The majority of it sucks: it’s… Continue reading Luke Sullivan Deserves Praise For Praising Radio