Teens Tell Teens To Be Safe Behind The Wheel, Because Allstate Wants Them To

Elephant Filmworks, a full-service production and post-production film company founded in Chicago, recently produced an eight episode teen-centric web series called “The Lines” for Allstate Insurance. Here’s the first episode, which was released in January: Here is episode 2, also from January: “The Lines” is meant to speak to young drivers and empower them to… Continue reading Teens Tell Teens To Be Safe Behind The Wheel, Because Allstate Wants Them To

He’s Been Right Twice Before. Is Gurbaksh Chahal Also Right About Tracking?

Until today, I had not heard of Gurbaksh Chahal, founder, Chairman & CEO of RadiumOne. My bad. Chahal–a serial entrepreneur, who sold his first company at the age of 16 for $40 million–is also an international best-selling author of The Dream, the true inspirational tale of his entrepreneurial journey. Thankfully, I am aware of RadiumOne.… Continue reading He’s Been Right Twice Before. Is Gurbaksh Chahal Also Right About Tracking?