“Opt In” Is The Common Sense Answer, But That’s Not Good Enough For Ad Industry Lobbyists

How powerful is the drug lobby? In a 6-3 decision in Sorrell v. IMS Health, Inc., No. 10-779, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Vermont law that restricted the use of prescriber histories for purposes of marketing or promoting pharmaceutical products to physicians. “We are very pleased that the Supreme Court has made clear… Continue reading “Opt In” Is The Common Sense Answer, But That’s Not Good Enough For Ad Industry Lobbyists

World Wide Web Of Women

Women like to share more than men. I know you need to see no proof for this position, but here’s some data to consider anyway: The gender disparity on Twitter and LinkedIn is particularly dramatic. All good things to know when crafting campaigns with a social element. Source: The High Low