Advertising Blimps Advertising blimps give you all the power you need to get people to sit up and notice your advertising. In the hectic, fast paced, stress filled world that we live in, a world in which no one has the time to look at things like advertising, you can still get people to sit… Continue reading Advertising Blimps Get Your Business Noticed.
Month: July 2011
The Whippersnapper Behind Mr. Whipple Passes
Most ad people these days only know Mr. Whipple from Luke Sullivan’s book. But the man was an icon, and his creator has passed away. USA Today reports: John Chervokas, an advertising visionary who dreamed up “Please Don’t Squeeze the Charmin,” will be memorialized by colleagues and family this week. In 1964, Chervokas was a… Continue reading The Whippersnapper Behind Mr. Whipple Passes
Compensation Does Not Equal Satisfaction, But It Helps
In the next year, over 56% of those employed in the advertising/marketing industry say they plan to change jobs despite higher levels of job satisfaction and an overall 31% increase in salary from a year ago, according to a new study released today by recruiting firm 24 Seven in partnership with Advertising Age. “This is… Continue reading Compensation Does Not Equal Satisfaction, But It Helps