is a new curation platform that I signed up for this morning. Now I just need to pick a specific topic or two and start curating in yet another venue, but one that will integrate with my blogs and social channels. Martin Bryant of TheNextWeb says: Curation is a busy area right now. Startups… Continue reading Information Is Overly Abundant; Hence, The Value Of Curation
Month: July 2011
A Big Movie Theater That Runs On Apple Juice
What will commercial flight look and feel like in the near future? GE and The Barbarian Group asked some kids with big imaginations, and the result is a new episode of the Webby-nominated GE Show called “Future Flight.” Previously on AdPulp: Industrial Choreography and Dare To Dazzle Your Audience With Content
36 Hour with Mac OS X Lion
By request, this is a cross post from my personal blog. Source is linked at the end of the post. Help, my MacBook has been iOSified. 36 hours since installing Lion, here’s my quick thoughts. 1. Installed without incident on my MacBookPro, my wife’s MacBook and our MacMini. I grabbed the installer image to copy… Continue reading 36 Hour with Mac OS X Lion