Paid Content In 2012 And Beyond

Geekend Roadshow is coming to DMA2011 in Boston next week. DMA is “the global event for real-time marketers,” and Geekend is DMA’s hot young date. It’s also the Savannah-based conference that my friend and former colleague, Sloane Kelley, is co-producing (and my former employer, BFG Communciations, is sponsoring). I’m traveling to Boston to speak on… Continue reading Paid Content In 2012 And Beyond

Giant Balloons For Advertising

Giant Helium Balloons For Advertising Today’s competitive market requires an edge in every section of the business. People try to be creative in their approach to improve the business; moreover, the main section of the business is advertising and marketing. Nothing could be possible without making consumers know about your product. If your marketing strategy… Continue reading Giant Balloons For Advertising

Brief Buddy – An iOS app for cracking the creative brief.

The folks behind Brief Buddy kindly provided me a promo copy of their iOS app (which runs on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch). First off, this app will not help you write the creative brief. But as a tool for creative professionals gives you a handy platform for referencing the 20 most common tactics to get to the… Continue reading Brief Buddy – An iOS app for cracking the creative brief.