Large Balloons Get Results

Large Balloons What can capture attention and advertise better than a colorful giant balloon? The shape and colors are as varied as your own imagination. These inflatable giants can invoke childhood memories of a circus and carnival when the only requirement was to bring along your smiles and happy mood. Large balloons grab the attention… Continue reading Large Balloons Get Results

Chasing News, Chasing Dollars

Business Insider was just given $7 million dollars from venture capitalists and a hard time by Felix Salmon of Reuters. Salmon is a financial journalist, and his nose is out of joint because he feels Business Insider is lifting a bit too much from AP and other sources. When media companies are asked to grow… Continue reading Chasing News, Chasing Dollars

Yet Another Facebook Story: Introducing Timeline

Your Facebook experience is about to become more visual. In a keynote speech at the company’s f8 developer conference in San Francisco, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg described Timeline as “a great way to discover all the things people have done their whole life.” Timeline’s aim is to allow users to easily browse through the history… Continue reading Yet Another Facebook Story: Introducing Timeline