The Better The Stream (of Content), The Bigger The Stream (of Income)

YouTube wants to be more like a television network. And the Google-owned company has been throwing money at content producers in Hollywood and elsewhere to get themselves there. According to The Wall Street Journal, YouTube is putting up more than $100 million in cash advances to develop original content that will run on one of… Continue reading The Better The Stream (of Content), The Bigger The Stream (of Income)

Map It Out

I’m speaking at Geekend Roadshow/DMA2011 in Boston tomorrow afternoon. At the end of my talk on “Paid Content in 2012 and Beyond” I will ask the content marketers in the room to create an editorial calendar. According to Ad Age, some marketers are already doing so. Mercedes Benz, Nestle Purina and Weight Watchers, are all… Continue reading Map It Out