When Black Friday Comes…

Target has a new Flo-like character and she’s been busy promoting Black Friday, which starts five hours from now on the East Coast. The character (invented by Wieden+Kennedy) has 15,361 followers on Twitter at this time. Pam Mandel is not one of them. You just finished reading When Black Friday Comes…! Consider leaving a comment!

Seldom Is The Question Asked: Is Our Washington Learning?

I just saw this spot on CNN. It certainly is attention-getting: The website WashingtonCouldLearnALot.com is sponsored by something called the Public Notice Research & Education Fund (PNREF), though it’s unclear who the source of their funding is. The president of Public Notice appears to be a former spokesperson for the Bush administration and/or a Deputy… Continue reading Seldom Is The Question Asked: Is Our Washington Learning?

Context Matters. Yes, Even In Presidential Politics.

The following Romney ad misappropriates President Obama’s words. “If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose,” says Obama. The problem is Obama was mocking a McCain strategist when he repeated those words, but that context is lost here. Romney unveiled the 60-second spot Monday night on Fox News, and the commercial is… Continue reading Context Matters. Yes, Even In Presidential Politics.