Advertising Inflatables The Benefits of Advertising Inflatables to Promote Your Business When considering different ways to best advertise your business, you have a lot of choices. As the competition rises in your field, the time comes for you to be creative. Sometimes it’s not enough to get a billboard advertisement, or online advertisements, or even… Continue reading Benefits of Advertising Inflatables in Business Promotions
Month: January 2012
Aggregators, Like Skateboarders, Are Unwanted By Pedestrians
We aggregate content from traditional media sources, although it is a practice that is fading as our relationships with news makers and PR pros develop. Which is probably a good thing, because the big boys don’t like blogs nibbling their content without some form of monetary compensation. According to Nieman Journalism Lab, 29 major news… Continue reading Aggregators, Like Skateboarders, Are Unwanted By Pedestrians
Google Goes For The Heartstrings As Well As The Eyeballs
Google is one company that definitely doesn’t rest. Nor are they immune from good ol’ fashioned advertising efforts. The New York Times has more: Lorraine Twohill, Google’s vice president for global marketing, would not disclose how much the company had increased its advertising spending, but said there had been a shift in strategy. “As we… Continue reading Google Goes For The Heartstrings As Well As The Eyeballs