KFC Tries To Be Finger Lickin’ Good Again

KFC is out to win hearts and minds with its latest family-based public relations campaign. The fast feeder gave one military family an emotional and unexpected reunion this week. The 17-year-old twin daughters of Capt. Cherissa Jackson arrived at a Baltimore-area restaurant to help KFC employees assemble gift packages, but the gift turned out to… Continue reading KFC Tries To Be Finger Lickin’ Good Again

Boredom Is Desired, Because It Means Change Is Imminent

“I simply cannot imagine a smart person being bored, ever.” -Luke Sullivan Copywriter, creative director, author and educator, Luke Sullivan, doesn’t believe that creative people get bored. Good creative people are naturally interested in everything, curious about everything. They inhale the world. Sullivan also suggests that one not let on that they’re bored with, or… Continue reading Boredom Is Desired, Because It Means Change Is Imminent