Creativity–along with several other media outlets–is reporting that Andrew Keller is the new CEO of Crispin Porter & Bogusky.
To the outside world, it was unclear who’d be the next leader of CPB, but top management within apparently made the call sometime ago. “We probably decided about a year ago that Andrew would be the guy,” Chuck Porter said, noting Mr. Keller’s “unusually astute vision of where the marketing world is going” and to a lesser degree, his management skills.
“There was never any question of us going outside to hire a CEO,” Mr. Porter added, noting that the agency has historically promoted talent from within and “so far it’s worked pretty goddamn well.”
The article points out that the creative-to-CEO transition is rare, though there are some prominent examples, such as Wieden & Kennedy CEO Dan Wieden.
Crispin’s revenue is in the $200 million a year range, and the agency presently has its eyes on opportunities in global markets.