Are We Ready For Intrusive Coupons?

I still think it’s kinda creepy, but marketers know no boundaries. The New York Times takes a look at the future of couponing and mobile:

But what if manufacturers could make coupon offers on the spot, as you stood in the aisle, within sight of the promoted product? Your cellphone would identify your shopping predilections, allowing the manufacturer to withhold the offer if you were likely to buy the product anyway. The offer could go exclusively to those who just needed a little nudge.

The possibility is not a distant one. Point Inside, a mobile technology company in Bellevue, Wash., has been testing still-incomplete technology for determining where shoppers are standing in grocery stores and big-box retailers. The goal is to determine accurate locations to within one meter.

People are already quite distracted when they’re shopping — texting, talking with friends. Are we gonna see a Wal-Mart of people checking their phones for coupons on every aisle? In world that’s more price-sensitive than ever, that’s exactly what might happen.