Advertising agencies are quickly developing a reputation for acting slowly. Sure, some days it feels like work gets produced fast and on the fly, but today’s reality is that you can create ads and other content in a matter of hours and days, not weeks and months. Many agencies aren’t built for that. But for nimble agencies and small businesses who want get messages out there, take a look at Marketing in the Moment: The Practical Guide to Using Web 3.0 Marketing to Reach Your Customers First by Michael Tasner.
This is a good cross-section of today’s new media marketing techniques, including Twitter, mobile apps, virtual trade shows (which I’m seeing more of in my clients’ business categories), video content, virtual reality worlds and more. Tasner is smart to include plenty of case studies, from BMW to to entrepreneurs that run small businesses using these marketing techniques. Marketing in the Moment is a quick read–and that’s good, because next year the book might be completely re-written. But in this moment, it’s a nice overview of what’s happening on marketing’s frontiers.
Special thanks to FSB Associates who provided me a copy for review.