Free Sample: Hungry for Gumbo

What follows is a condensed version of this week’s edition of Hungry for Gumbo, the email newsletter I started sending out in March. If you’d like to read the entire newsletter, and future weekly installments, subscribe today. It only costs $1/month or $.25 an issue and payment is handled by Amazon Payments. Note: Hungry for Gumbo is not about the ad business, it’s a personal exploration of the things I’m doing, reading, seeing, hearing, etc.

Hungry for Gumbo, Vol. 1, No. 11

Welcome to Hungry for Gumbo. Let’s work together to stir the pot.

Facebook Numbers Decline In The U.S. And Canada
Facebook lost 6 million members in the U.S. last month. Additionally, Canada dropped by 1.52 million and the U.K. dropped by more than 100,000. So is the social bubble about to burst? Not quite yet. 150 million Americans still find some kind of value in Facebook, although it’s no longer the cool new thing. What’s your take on Facebook? Is it a valuable tool for connecting with friends and family? Or an unnecessary imposition?

Nothing Is Wrong by Dawes
On Tuesday, Dawes’ new album Nothing Is Wrong was released by ATO Records. I really like the first song on the record, “Time Spent In Los Angeles.”

Sour Ales For The Win
We finally made it over to Cascade Brewing’s new Barrel House at 10th and SE Belmont this weekend. And whoa, what a first impression. Cascade specializes in beers that offer an intense sensory experience other than hops. For instance:

The Vine
8.3% ABV / $5.50 Glass
This NW style sour blends soured tripel, blonde and golden ales that were then fermented with the juice of white wine grapes. It’s a delicious offering that appeals to both beer and wine drinkers.

Sang Noir
9.5% ABV / 8 IBU / $6 Glass
This deep, dark double red was aged over a year in Pinot and Whiskey barrels, then blended with a barrel of Bing cherries. This deep and rich NW double red is one of our most complex winter offerings.

On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon’s Perilous Peak
Our friend, Jon Bell, had his book release party at Powell’s on Hawthorne on Thursday night. On Mount Hood tells a compelling story of a legendary mountain and its impacts on the people who live in its shadow every day. Bell also appeared on “Think Out Loud” on OPB on Friday morning. He also has a feature piece on “Mount Hood’s Unique Economy” in Oregon Business.

Photo of the Week

Notable + Quotable
“Never mistake motion for action.” – Ernest Hemingway

“The World is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the World will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The World is what you are” -Thomas Dreier

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Previously on AdPulp: Delivering Value For A Value: Pricing A Paid-Subscription Newsletter