Compensation Does Not Equal Satisfaction, But It Helps

In the next year, over 56% of those employed in the advertising/marketing industry say they plan to change jobs despite higher levels of job satisfaction and an overall 31% increase in salary from a year ago, according to a new study released today by recruiting firm 24 Seven in partnership with Advertising Age.

“This is a wake-up call to employers throughout the marketing industry that talent is now not only in demand, but calling the shots,” cautioned Celeste Gudas, President of 24 Seven. “The brightening job market has shifted the power from employer to employee and today employees want it all.”

We interrupt this press release for a reality check…whoever pays you to show up and work is calling the shots, today, tomorrow and always. Okay back to the press release…

Despite great demand for those in the digital and creative ranks, those categories saw the lowest increases. Those in digital/interactive had gains of 14% increasing to an average of $93,147 from $81,930. The smallest increases were in creative, with increases of 8% yielding an average salary of $85,960 from $79,660.

The 24 Seven & Advertising Age Job Satisfaction and Salary survey was conducted in April 2011. A sample of 3000 professionals in the marketing, interactive and creative fields was surveyed nationwide.