Appealing To Knife Enthusiasts Is A Real Knife Fight

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KA-BAR, whose famed Fighting Utility Knife was carried by the US Marine Corps in WWII, has released its first ad campaign in the company’s 125 year-old history.

Directed by Joshua Frankel through Charleston-based Rawle Murdy the three-spot campaign features testimonials brought to life in the form of animated tattoos.

KA-BAR approached Rawle Murdy to expand the brand beyond its core military base and appeal to hunters, fishermen and outdoorsmen. The agency spent months talking to KA-BAR owners, and soon discovered they never shied away from adversity.

“They actually welcome the challenge,” says West Herford, Director of Consumer Insights and Brand Planning at Rawle Murdy. “It’s the mindset of a true KA-BAR owner.”

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