Fox Digital Entertainment And Kia Provide A Reason To Visit MySpace Again

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“Wolfpack of Reseda” is the first made-for-the-Web series from Fox Digital Entertainment, a new division of the 76-year-old West Los Angeles movie studio.

Wolfpack Of Reseda | Myspace Video

According to Meg James of Los Angeles Times, the series brings feature film production values to the Internet, which is something marketers have been clamoring for. Marketers like Kia Motors, which is the sponsor of this new series.

Kia also got to read various scripts in development at Fox before selecting “Wolfpack” as the project on which it wanted to collaborate. And for those viewers who make it through this short version of Office Space meets The Wolfman (as I just did), Kia will be there, integrated into the script in a very obvious way.

Fox-owned Myspace is the primary distributor of the series, which will unfold over eight weeks with a new episode, ranging in length from eight to 12 minutes, released each Thursday.

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