A City Without Billboards

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Good Magazine takes a closer look at Sao Paulo, Brazil, where they’ve banned outdoor advertising.

Where businesses are concerned, it turns out some advertisers are actually thankful for the ban, as it’s forced them to reevaluate and improve. “Companies had to find their own ways to promote products and brands on the streets,” Lalai Luna, co-founder of ad agency Remix, told the Financial Times last year. “São Paulo started having a lot more guerilla marketing [unconventional strategies, such as public stunts and viral campaigns] and it gave a lot of power to online and social media campaigns as a new way to interact with people.”

When you ban an advertising medium outright, like the way tobacco advertising was banned from broadcast media in the earlu 70′s, it forces marketers to take those dollars and be more creative with them. So would you like to see billboards banned in your city?

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