Informercials are such ripe material for spoofs. Party Like A Pro from Malibu Rum is another in a long line of informercial spoofs that purports to build the brand and move product. Thankfully, this spoof is well made courtesy of writer and director, Eric Fensler of Tim & Eric fame.
Category: Uncategorized
More Advertising Needs To Smell Like Fun
I shudder to think of all the clients in all the meetings in all the agencies these days who are probably saying, “We need something like Old Spice. Give us something like that.” Creating advertising that’s simply fun and memorable? It’s easier said than done. But why? These days, it’s hard to sell clients on… Continue reading More Advertising Needs To Smell Like Fun
Talking Shop With Bill And Angela Of AdVerve
I had a great time on Tuesday talking to Bill Green and Angela Natavidad of AdVerve, a podcast about advertising and marketing. I’ve appeared on several shows of late, but this one turned out really well, at least to my ears. Bill, Angela and I covered a lot of ground in a short period of… Continue reading Talking Shop With Bill And Angela Of AdVerve