To promote new real fruit smoothie at McDonald’s, Tribal DDB has launched a Spin Art-like app on that let people like me make messes like this: In the old days, McDonald’s would have promoted this new product with a special take-home cup or a buy-one-get-one. Not today. Today, it’s all about online engagement. And… Continue reading It’s Someone’s McJob To Spin You A Smoothie Masterpiece
Category: Uncategorized
Groupon Knows Consumers Want A Deal, Makes It Easy For Small Business To Offer Said Deals
I finally joined purveyor of daily deals, Groupon, tonight and I was amazed to find how well it’s working for some local Portland restaurants. Wild Abandon recently sold 2861 $12 Groupons, while Elephants Delicatessen sold 7206 $7 deals. Groupon uses the power of the crowd to drive prices down and volume up–the deal doesn’t go… Continue reading Groupon Knows Consumers Want A Deal, Makes It Easy For Small Business To Offer Said Deals
Waste Not, Want Not
Denver Water, recognizing that “frugality is en vogue like never before,” is presenting new work for Denver Water. To demonstrate the proposition and lead by example, Denver Water and Sukle reused old billboards and placed a thin vinyl snipe over the existing art, using only 8% of the vinyl that a newly printed board would.