Advertising agencies are quickly developing a reputation for acting slowly. Sure, some days it feels like work gets produced fast and on the fly, but today’s reality is that you can create ads and other content in a matter of hours and days, not weeks and months. Many agencies aren’t built for that. But for… Continue reading Marketing In The Moment Looks At Right Here, Right Now
Category: Uncategorized
Your Data For A Song
Levi’s is one of America’s most enduring lifestyle brands. As such, it’s natural thing for the brand to use content to pull you in. In fact, Levi’s Pioneer Sessions, a new showcase of 12 “pioneering artists spanning multiple genres” fits the brand perfectly, like a favorite pair of 501s. The newly recorded tracks are available… Continue reading Your Data For A Song
Large Advertising Balloons Create Buzz
Create a buzz with advertising balloons! Many retail businesses depend on broadcast media, online marketing and print advertising to promote sales. However, walk-in traffic is equally important. While the convenience of online shopping is a powerful draw, many customers still prefer to shop in person. Some people feel that the experience of having human contact… Continue reading Large Advertising Balloons Create Buzz