Dan, Now Coming To You From Seattle

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As David mentioned the other day, I have left my native Atlanta for a move to the Emerald City. As of yesterday, I am now a resident of Seattle.

Of all the changes and transitions I’ve made in my life, this one could be the biggest. That’s because I have accompanied my girlfriend Valerie out here as she begins an awesome new job with a small computer company in Redmond. Which means I’ve given up my job as a copywriter with Partners + Napier in Atlanta in search of something new. To give up a full-time position without another is, in this day and age, scary, crazy, and exciting all at once.

While I have a few contacts out here to get in touch with, I’m on the hunt for new opportunities. If you’re here in Seattle and looking for a full-time or freelance copywriter, (or a strategist or videographer), contact me at dgoldg@mindspring.com. Or if you just want to get a beer or cup of coffee, that’s good with me, too. Feel free to see a little of my work at my website.

Thank you, and I’ll keep the AdPulp community posted on my adventures.