Four Steps To Online Fascination…

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Five Stories That Will Charm The Pants Off Your Audience…

Six Ways To Impress Your Boss And Get The Raise You Deserve…

Seven Things Your LinkedIn Profile Must Reveal…

Eight Weeks To A New Career In Advertising...

How-to articles and videos are everywhere online.

They’re everywhere because people turn to the web for the information they need.

Say I need information on so-called “Evergreen Content.” Bing, here it is:

As your Editor, I’m supposed to know what type of content you want. But do I?

Perhaps you are longing for gossip, tirades or sexy images. There are several ad blogs that deliver on those things, big time.

We’ve consciously taken another route, but without drama of some kind, how do we keep you interested today, and over time?

I think I’ll write an article about it…