If you read a lot of marketing advice these days, then you’ve seen the word “mobile” used as the key to the future – much the way “plastics” was in The Graduate. But for those businesses and brands that can’t quite grasp the mobile world, Jeanne Hopkins and Jamie Turner offer a good overview in Go Mobile: Location-Based Marketing, Apps, Mobile Optimized Ad Campaigns, 2D Codes and Other Mobile Strategies to Grow Your Business.
The title of the book gives away the dilemma most brands face: Planning and executing mobile marketing is itself as complicated and multi-faceted as anything we’ve ever seen. So Hopkins & Turner cover a lot of ground, starting with many successful Fortune 500 uses of mobile and a look at many current popular apps. Then, Go Mobile goes through all the tactics, including search, LBS, SMS, MMS, and others.
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly who Go Mobile is aimed at, since it’s both a broad and detailed at the same time. Anyone navigating mobile marketing at this scale ought to have some experienced help. But any marketer who simply needs a comprehensive course in the state of mobile marketing right now will find it useful. This is one of those books you ought to read soon, since it’s certainly going to be outdated this time next year.
Special thanks to Wiley to providing me with a review copy.
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