So, did Groupon place too much trust in Crispin, like its’ CEO claimed? And did they turn off the part of the brain where the decision-making should’ve been?
Yeah, I don’t buy it. But what does it say about the state of trust between agencies and clients?
Most of us truly believe in the work we present to our clients. We’re often driven by the belief that our solution is the correct one; it’ll work and make everyone rich and famous. Well, that’s the dream, at least. We don’t know for sure.
And while it’s true that some of advertising’s most convincing folks are the types who can sell the proverbial ice to Eskimos, there simply isn’t a Jedi Mind Trick-like device that’ll make a client turn off their decision-making abilities. Whoever writes the checks always has the ultimate veto power.
It’s the subject of my new column on, which will be on the home page tomorrow.