On The Air In New Hampshire

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“Our government’s flabby, bloated and weak,” says the actor in the following Jon Huntsman for President ad currently airing in New Hampshire — a state where “flabby, bloated and weak” have long been civic sins.

According to The New York Times, the ad from Our Destiny PAC, is a key part of Huntsman’s chances for an upset victory in the Granite State next month.

The group, financed in part by Mr. Huntsman’s billionaire industrialist father and guided by one of his former political advisers, has breathed new life into a campaign that otherwise lacks the resources to do much more than literally go door to door seeking votes.

Hold the presses…Huntsman’s campaign is underfunded? That doesn’t add up.

The Times reports that candidate Huntsman does not want appear like he’s buying the election with his dad’s money. Which is understandable, but also troubling because you have to be in the game to change the game.

To my mind, Huntsman is far and away the best candidate on the right. He rides motocross bikes, plays electric guitar and speaks fluent Chinese. None of the other fools can match that.

I hope he finds a way to accept the money and give himself a chance. I could care less about the Republican Party, but I do care that anyone who might be President someday is a smart, energetic leader uniquely ready to help lead the nation out of the morass.

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