Rich Man, Digital Man

The wealthiest American consumers, those in homes with at least $100,000 annual incomes, are difficult for marketers to reach through traditional means, but “Affluent Consumers in a Digital World,” a new study from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) finds these higher-income Americans embracing digital media—and its ads, to some degree.

The receptivity of affluent Americans to digital advertising is underscored by their greater understanding of the ad-supported web model and the benefits of ad targeting, as compared with non-affluent consumers:

  • 32 percent of affluents vs. 23 percent of non-affluents said they’d be willing to share information about themselves in order to “get a more customized online experience.”
  • 72 percent (vs. 61%) agreed with the statement, “Most websites are free because they are supported by advertising.”
  • 57 percent (vs. 51%) said they would “prefer to see ad-supported online content that is free, rather than paying for content that is ad-free.”

“Most websites are free because they are supported by advertising”? That’s a misconception. Most websites are free because their producers are scared to charge a fair price, and lose their audience in the process. Hence, the rise of freemium, where free and paid work together.

But back to the subject, I’m pleased to know that the affluent readers of AdPulp–and there are thousands of you–are open to highly targeted ads. Because our sponsors are a highly deserving lot.

Note: I’m speaking about the future of #paidcontent at Geekend/Boston on October 4. By the way, Geekend/Boston is a conference within a conference — if you’re planning to attend DMA 2011, let me know. I’d love to meet you.