Strangers In A Strange Adland

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David Griner of Adweek’s blog Adfreak put an interesting list together of 40 agencies with strange names.

Of course, I’m thrilled to see Bonehook, the company I started two years ago, on the list at #38 and humbled to be included along with some truly great shops like Taxi, Big Spaceship, Naked, Droga5, Creature, Wexley School for Girls, David & Goliath, Mother, The Barbarian Group, 72andsunny and Strawberry Frog.

I’m also pleased at how well Bonehook’s Aaron Draplin-created identity stands up to the others in this crowd. Bonehook is new and we have not yet done the work of the shops mentioned above, but we have the opportunity to get there and that’s an exciting prospect to wake up to every day.

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