This Reality’s For You

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Bud struck out with, but the brand is back with a new entertainment property, Bud United presents: The Big Time, which will starting airing on ABC starting in January.

Bud United presents: The Big Time is a social reality show that features people from across the globe fulfilling their wildest dreams – from pitching for a professional baseball team to taking center stage at a major music concert.

“These shows offer a compelling trifecta – sports, entertainment plus viewer engagement via social media,” said Jason Bernstein, senior director, ESPN programming and acquisitions. “It’s a unique blend of content and we’re pleased Budweiser came to us with the opportunity to present it on ABC.”

After trying to produce content for Bud.TV in-house, the brewer this time farmed out the job to Radical Media, which is majority owned by Bertelsmann AG-controlled FreemantleMedia, and Emmy Award-winning producer Evan Weinstein.

“Content’s hard,” said David Peacock, president of AB InBev’s U.S. business unit, adding that the brewer “learned a lot” from Bud.TV.

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