Right now, you are looking at a project with more than 10,000 hours of work invested. In billable hours, that’s roughly $1,250,000.
Like every other marketer we must look at return on investment. By looking at ROI with a clear eye, we can begin to assess the viability of the project.
Naturally, AdPulp is about more than dollars and cents, it’s also about service to the industry and the people in it. It’s about building relationships and further establishing our expertise. But this post is about the dollars and cents part of the equation, and about asking you to make an investment with us.
Up to this point in our 60-day Journalism Fund campaign on IndieGoGo, we’ve not done all the things that IndieGoGo recommends (we’re working on it), but more than that, I feel like the tone of our ask is off. Because this isn’t a fundraising campaign in the classic sense, it’s a search for investors.
I started this post by crunching the numbers. I’m going to crunch a few more in closing. If you find one valuable insight here per week, that’s 52 per year. Now, what are those insights worth? Depending on how you apply them in your work, they could be worth tens of thousands of dollars. But let’s say they’re worth a buck a week. Are you with me? Great, please multiply the number of weeks you’ve been reading this site by $1.00 to determine roughly AdPulp’s value to you in monetary terms.
Note, we’ve been providing “Daily Juice from the Ad Biz” for 345 weeks. We’ve never charged for our content, and we’re not charging now. But we are asking you to recognize the value we provide and to support it. I assure you we do need your help and your input.
Previously on AdPulp: Frank Chimero Knows How To Make Things, Money Included | If This Was The Mormon Church We’d Take 10% Of Your Earnings | Something’s Wrong. But What? | Please Help Shape Our Editorial Product